Let's Make A Difference Together
We offer various partnership opportunities to our business customers.
We are always happy to hear new ideas for partnerships and marketing campaigns.
Find below some of the partnership opportunities. Please contact us to discuss partnerships further.

Business Profile on Offset My Life
When a business offsets a notable amount of carbon emissions, through Offset My Life, we offer eligible businesses the opportunity for a business profile to be added to our website.
The profile will be public facing, demonstrating your commitment to carbon offsetting and tree planting to the wider world.
The business profile can list the amount of carbon offset and the number of trees planted, or that can be kept confidential and it can simply say that you’ve offset and planted trees through Offset My Life.
Use Of Logo (Upon Approval Only)
Our accepted business partners are offered the opportunity to use our logo, for example on their website or marketing materials.
This is a great way to demonstrate your environmental commitment.
Permission must be obtained before using our logo and it must adhere to the terms of use. Contact us to discuss further.
Joint Marketing Campaign
We have strong professional networks and would be glad to consider joint marketing campaigns.
Perhaps this could be an initiative around carbon offsetting, or it could be a tree planting campaign – fully or partly funded by the business partner.
We do not aim to make a profit with tree planting initiatives – they are simply something that we are particularly passionate about.
Fund Complimentary Carbon Offsets for Employees or Consumers
What better way to give back than to fund carbon offsets for your staff or customers. This could include offsetting a year worth of emissions per employee, per customer, or other metric.
Please contact us to discuss partnership opportunities.